Our Equipment Criterion, Designs and Partnerships
Violinist in Balance is not an equipment producer. Instead, we wish to create and stimulated multiple equipment options for players and teachers, based on sound ergonomic principles. Musicians generally work in isolation wrestling with difficult physical issues for themselves and their students. We work with musicians to enable them to make their own informed, supported decisions and to have the equipment to back them up. Our equipment and educational work is based on twenty years of research and field experience with clients from around the world.
After careful measuring of individual players, custom chin rests are printed using 3D printing techniques. This allows players to try out the design and change it as needed for the next re-print. Final chin rests can then be printed in PLA or created in wood from the digital design.
3D printed and hand-made custom chin rest and collar bone sets, made to order after a series of consultations with us in Utrecht, the Netherlands. This is the recommended path for the professional and serious amateur player. A customised fit in equipment is combined with learning the skills to use the equipment effectively during the consultations. Retraining of cramped playing habits is further supported through lessons in the Alexander Technique which you can take with us, or in your own community. See our Consultations page for pricing.
Plateau collar bone rests are adjusted with wedges to fit anyone.
Violinist in Balance
Equipment Criterion
Equipment should allow you to secure the instrument:
- In the most suitable playing position for bowing and fingering
- With a simple turn and nod of the head
- While maintaining healthy poise (head on spine)
- While allowing you to move to play
All this:
- Without pressing on vital tissues (throat, arteries, breast)
- Without pressure or displacement of jaw or skull bones
How do we measure you for your chin rest and shoulder rest?
We start by measuring the chin rest using our specially designed measuring system, attached to your violin in the same place as your chin rest goes. The player can then try out the design at the consultation until it feels right. The design is then digitalised and printed out on a 3D printing machine in PLA, a medical type of plastic.
Our Plateau Collar Bone Rest fitting series is then adjusted to fill up the space in between the chest and the violin. Its special wedge-shaped design provides support where you need it, without interfering with your shoulder joints or chest muscles. Click here to read more about why it is a collar bone rest! This new rest was developed by Artist in Balance with Niek Gersen of Niek's Fabriek, Amsterdam.
We then order your customised set of chin rest and shoulder rest, based on our precision measurements. At a follow-up visit we check that the chin rest and shoulder rest work together in a dynamic way that gives support when needed and allows for free movement while playing.
Plateau Collar Bone Rest can be attached with elastics in any position on the instrument, using the range of holes provided along the edge. There is a space between the rest and the violin to ensure minimal interference with resonance.
New Designs for teachers
The Violinist in Balance team is currently working on a basic Chin Rest series for teachers. The series will be based on most-frequently created custom designs. Violin and viola teachers will be able to learn to use these sets at the Artist in Balance teacher training workshops being planned.