These Musician’s Health flashcards contain (online) learning options for musicians interested in improving the quality of their practice and performance. The cards are meant to be used in combination with live class instruction. However, if you want to try them yourself, you can prepare to use these flashcards by reading the section on Basic Info and Links.
Flashcards are arranged by heading, but all flashcards involve Taking Time to look at aspects of Energy, Balance & Coordination, and to learn about Focusing and Mental Study, in order to better understand ourselves and our work as musicians. The flashcards are used in classes, providing a selection of homework tasks online. They allow students to work through a series of assigned tasks, or choose their own flashcard tasks to work on their own goals. Flashcards are not meant to give all information, but to be a starting point for personal and creative experimentation. For instance, in courses students create their own flashcards to enhance their daily & practice routine. If you are not currently in a Musicians Health class, you can still try these flashcards on your own. For any questions, contact criss.taylor@hku.nl
Mental Study
- Alternating Silence with Sound
- Reading the Score
- Music Walk
- Slow Writing
Practice Tactics
- Chaining Backwards and Forwards
- Variation makes Perfect
- Make No Mistakes
- Cleaning the House
- Motivation to Practice
- Stop-Go-Imagine
- Contrary Motion
- Less is More
Frames of Attention
- Micro contacts
- The whole instrument
- The whole space
Warm-ups for Musicians
- Orientation Exercises
- "Space to Breathe" Stretch